What do you need

From the processing of 350 botanical species we obtain 500 plant drugs in various cuts

From the processing of 350 botanical species we obtain 500 plant drugs in various cuts

The dried herbs are processed on our production lines. Each cut is available in multiple qualities.
Most popular cuts are as follows:
Herbal tea cut: from 2 to 8 mm, the most popular cut and used for different sectors
Pyramid cut: 2 to 5 mm, for the production of herbal tea in pyramid filters
Filter cut: 0.2 to 2 mm, for the production of filter herbal teas
Extractive cut: from 0.2 to 15 mm mainly used for the industrial, extractive and liquor sectors
Powder: for numerous uses, including the production of capsules and tablets.

We produce customized plant blends following the customer's formulation

We produce customized plant blends following the customer's formulation

We provide assistance throughout the product development process.

With 500 plant drugs, we can offer numerous combinations of ingredients.
The production of the blend follows the customer's needs: we can provide assistance from the composition of the ingredients to the delivery of the blend.

I nostri canali
Alessandro Bini
Industries Sales: abini@biokyma.com
Franco Maria Bini
Plants manager: fbini@biokyma.com
Luca Cornioli
CEO: lcornioli@biokyma.com
Catia Ercolani
Technical manager: catia.ercolani@biokyma.com
Maria Teresa Bini
Administrative Director : mtbini@biokyma.com
Gherardo Buitoni
Quality manager: gbuitoni@biokyma.com
Anna Domini
Industries logistic: adomini@biokyma.com

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